Expert opinion on feasibility study for a project to launch Olsztyn-Mazury Airport

Scope of our work

The expert opinion was prepared in order to verify validity of business assumptions supporting the feasibility study for Olsztyn-Mazury Airport.

BBSG experts analysed in details the feasibility study document, taking into account best practices in preparation and development of airport projects, development planning and airport management.

The opinion covered among others: technical feasibility of the project, possible development scenarios, economic analysis, financial analysis and sensitivity analysis.

Value and benefits

As a result of conducted studies an objective validation of public investment in airport development was produced. The results supported the entities involved in the Olsztyn-Mazury Airport project in taking proper actions which lead to successful closure of the project.


Important finding

Each and every process of transport infrastructure development with public funds requires an objective validation of project assumptions and market realities. Such a comprehensive validation allows not only to run the process in accordance with legal regulations and best practices but also justifies decisions made by public entities.

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