
Since 2004 airports and the aviation sector in general in Poland and across Central and Eastern Europe have been experiencing dynamic growth. An increase in the number of passengers, also in their expectations, appearance of new connections, airlines and development of infrastructure bring many new challenges which BBSG helps to answer.

Strategies and development plans

A dynamic growth of traffic and number of passengers at airports in Central and Eastern Europe calls for development of airport infrastructure. Firstly, the investments are aimed at increasing airports’ capacity. Secondly, in addition to passenger and cargo infrastructure, innovative projects are implemented. These projects include inter alia revitalizing the wider airport area which leads to growing non-aviation revenue streams. Ambitious plans require adequate funding and equity is seldom the optimum source. Current economic environment makes numerous financing possibilities available.

We assist in designing, developing and implementing strategies and development plans. We advise what is required, and what is worth doing. We recommend how strategic and tactical decisions can be implemented and financed.

Would you like to know more?

Contact: Sebastian Gościniarek
  • 502 18 46 64

Our offer

  • Strategic workshops
  • Business model canvas workshop
  • Setting strategic goals, development of strategies and implementation plans, assistance in implementation of strategies
  • Feasibility studies, cost benefit analysis, market analysis
  • Business plans for companies and projects
  • Development of optimum revenue streams, including innovative financing methods

Our value proposition

  • Innovative approach to building a strategy – instructive process of building a strategy for the organization
  • Strategy focused on achieving the prime goals
  • Implementation of the strategy according to plan, budget and schedule
  • Sustainable infrastructure development plan, properly addressing demand
  • Non-aviation activity adding value to airport business
  • Optimum financing structure

How can we help grow your business?

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Our clients

Many clients rely on our approach and appreciate our flexibility.

Modern services

See how redefining the passenger experience at airports works.